How It Works + BDQs – YouTube

From: Primer Designs
Relevant Industry: Home Improvement
Relevant Channel: YouTube
Length: 40-50S
Theme: Buyer Decision Questions (BDQ), How It Works
Size: 16:9

Video Script:

Bold statement: The future of lawn care: Custom fertilizer plans delivered exactly when you need it

Benefits: Made with better ingredients Better for your kids Better for the planet

Benefit + Availability: No toxic pesticides

Ingredients: Seaweed, soy protein, iron

Personalization: Custom fertilizer plans unique to your lawn

How It Works: Free soil test kit, just tell us your address

Benefits: 3 shipments a year Free shipping No guesswork

Ease of use: Easy to use Just 15 minutes Relax

CTA: Get a free lawn analysis A better lawn, guaranteed