My Go-To Solution – Testimonials

From: Primer Designs
Relevant Industry: DTC (Direct-to-Consumer)
Relevant Channel: Facebook, Instagram, Meta, Pinterest, TikTok
Length: 20-30S
Theme: Press and Testimonials
Size: 9:16

Video Script:

Intro hook - my go-to solution: This is my go-to photo printing solution

Quote 1: "Perfect & easy way to keep memories!"

Quote 2: "Chatbooks has been a lifesaver when it comes to printing photos."

Quote 3: "Finally found a way for the girls to physically flip through and enjoy the highlights of our adventures."

Quote 4: "We have so much fun getting together and exchanging photos."

Quote 5: "Im so thankful we have picture books out and available for our kids to look at!"

End card / CTA: Download the Chatbooks app today!